ロストのインスタグラム(lost9193) - 5月30日 03時48分

Our East Coast Mini-Tour will take place June 3rd-6th. We will be @surfcitysurfshop June 3rd, @catalystmb June 4th, @nomadsurfshop June 5th and @bcsurfandsport June 6th. Talk with …Lost co-founder and shaper Matt “Mayhem” Biolos about surfboard design, tech and function. CAD design your next board one on one with Matt. Every new …Lost boards sold (stock or custom) gets $100.00 off and a pair of …Lost boardshorts. We’re also dragging along Rock-N-Roll board builders @tunnelvisionsc to perform live at all the venues. Best of all: free …Lost gear for all the groms. @mayhemb3_mattbiolos @lostsurfboards @arnette


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