エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 6月4日 23時27分

Tom et Je Ris, 8b+ (5.14a). Verdon Gorge, France. 60 meters of overhanging blue and orange tufa-ed limestone hundreds of feet above the bottom of the gorge. I heard about this route years ago and how epic it was. I honestly never thought I'd have the guts to try it let alone send it. The exposure, difficulty, and sheer logistics of getting to the route seemed way too far above my head. I tried it a bit a few weeks ago but felt too intimidated and unfit to pull it off. After two weeks of training in Céüse and fueled by witnessing the inspirational feat of @jonathansiegrist sending Biographie/Realization, I ventured back to the Verdon for one last ditch effort. Thankfully the pieces came together today and I managed to pull it off! Amazing feeling and total dream come true for me. Enormous thanks to @adrianballinger for the epic belay and emotional support ❤️?. And to @mattsegal for not letting me be lame and stop trying at the very beginning cuz I was too scared of the runouts ??. Sometimes you gotta just keep trying and push past those demons I guess. YEEEEEEEE!!!! #BONVERDON Photo by @Keith Ladzinski ?? @ザ・ノースフェイス @lasportivana @petzl_official @Smith

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