のインスタグラム(happyyorkiefamily) - 6月24日 12時19分

This is Abby, Oliver and Sammy's Mommy. Today has been one of the toughest day for us! I can't even begin to thank all our dear IG friends for all the love we have received! It's overwhelming to know Abby is loved by so many in such a short time we have been on IG! As I read through each and every one of the commends and messages you left me, even some of our dear friends reposting Abby's pic for more friends to see her sweet face! I just want to go to each and everyone of you to give you the biggest hug you ever received to show how grateful I am! We are humbled! THANK YOU is just not enough! I just want to tell each and everyone of you that I appreciate your thoughts, prayers and supports from the bottom of my heart! Do hug your babies extra tight tonight!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




