NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 6月26日 03時29分

Surrounding the sun is a vast atmosphere of solar particles, through which magnetic fields swarm, solar flares erupt, and gigantic columns of material rise, fall and jostle each other around. Now, using our Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, scientists have found that this atmosphere, called the corona, is even larger than thought, extending out some 5 million miles above the sun's surface -- the equivalent of 12 solar radii. This information has implications for our upcoming Solar Probe Plus mission, due to launch in 2018 and go closer to the sun than any man-made technology ever has before.

This image is an observation of the outer limits of the sun's atmosphere (the bright light of the sun itself is blocked by the black circle at the middle) from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory on Aug. 5, 2007.

Image Credit: NASA/STEREO

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