ショーン・エバリストのインスタグラム(shaunevaristo) - 7月4日 03時35分

I've been thinking a lot about the act of teaching lately, especially since I haven't done it in a while. Not because I don't want to but because I've been feeling like I want a little more out of class. The depth a student and teacher can go in only an hour is so small, you need more time and more involvement. For those students seeking to go a little bit further or dig a little bit deeper our @la_latitude camp @whatmovesu just might be what you're looking for. I know some of you are out there looking for more, this was created for that purpose. A program built to help those In search of answers they may not know. If this is your call to action, fall registration is open. www.themovementlifestyle.com and click the latitude link. See you there! #breakingboundaries #mLatitude #theCAMP


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Erie のインスタグラム
Erie さんがフォロー

