ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月17日 07時41分

Before Stonehenge: the towering Stones of Stenness on the remote Scottish islands of Orkney predate Stonehenge and may be the oldest stone circle in the British Isles. National Geographic features Orkney and the incredible story of stone age life from 5,000 years ago in this month’s issue, August 2014. When these monuments were being built Orkney wasn’t an outpost on the edge of the world, it was a vibrant center of North Sea life, one of the most important centers of the expanding Neolithic world as people left their hunting and gathering ways behind and settled into stable homes while taking up farming. Today Orkney is one of the best places to see this age, with stone houses like Skara Brae, stone circles like Stenness and Brodgar, the hulking Maeshowe burial tomb, and the newly discovered temple complex (totally unexpected and unprecedented) at the Ness of Brodgar. These discoveries have changed scientists think about this era. Should be on the newsstands and in your mailboxes soon. Check out the iPad edition, too. @JimRichardsonNG @ナショナルジオグラフィック @natgeocreative #orkney #neolithic #scotland #UK


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