コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 7月19日 00時20分

Do not like this post. . This is Tick-Tock , my newest pet. He is an independent type of companion - more like a cat than a dog and much more "connected" than a pet spider. If I'm lucky we meet at the crag, especially in the spring. He's a pretty good pet at the crag. He doesn't make beds at the base of a climb, find the need to mark his territory and, oddly enough, gets along really well the deer. He walks around my arm, getting lost in my fur and looking for a nice place to bivy. He's pretty low maintenance fellow. Just a little bit of blood for chow. Pets need training and vigilance - I'm still trying to break his nasty habit of biting people, especially guests. I keep trying to get through to him that if keeps biting my friends I'll break out the pliers and magnifying glass.


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