ナタリア・コルドバ・バックリーのインスタグラム(yosoycordova) - 7月20日 11時40分

This beautiful artist... My love and musician Brian is hard at work finishing his 4th album "WELCOME TO THE HEART OF THE CITY". I've had the privilege to listen to it. Being witness to his hard work, dedication, perseverance, passion and talent is truly moving and inspiring. I am so proud of this man. There are so many talented artists out there, fighting for their art independently and with very little to no support from their industry. Brian is one of them. And after years of fighting what seems to sometimes be the un reachable, he still manages to keep his fire burning, his ethics un corrupted, his sound pure, the love for his art and his convictions honest.
It is an honor to be your wife, your listener, your friend, your love.
Thank you for allowing me to be witness to your growth and to your battles. I am part something truly especial and it's because I'm part of you.

@brianbuckleyband #music #musicians #art #brianbuckleyband #nofilter #canon5d #singer #songwriter #artist


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