キエラ・キキ・シェアードのインスタグラム(kierrasheard) - 7月29日 04時44分

I'm excited about this year's conference. I always look out for my sisters but I want to pour into my brothers this year. I understand that we are dealing with a fatherless generation. Since so many are without their fathers many don't seek counsel from other godly men who are successfully making it. I'd strongly suggest many of you to go and find a natural/spiritual advisor so that you're not wasting so much time. Seek God too, of course. I've had the opportunity to partner with a life insurance company to help us to develop integrity with this one step. We don't like to think of it but many of us without pre existing health conditions can make our ending easier on our loved ones and leave a legacy. Get a plan. Think for the future. Have something left for those who lived life with you. Take a step toward being integral and learning new streams of income by making a stop by this class. (Inspired by @bishopjakes) thank you! #planning #adulthood #vision #integrity #ourSons #ourDaughters #brl2k14


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