Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 7月29日 21時07分

An Indian person asked me respectfully yesterday if my babies couldn't live in the wild. The answer is yes, they could. I have 3 Bengal Tigers. For all of you that are not aware, Bengali is a region in India, which happens to be as you can see on Wikipedia "One of the most densely populated regions on Earth". So again, yes they could live in the wild, in the case of my a Tigers if there weren't 1.3 billion Indians. The same principle applies for my other babies. Don't get me wrong, I Love India with all my heart, if there wasn't for India the world would be a super poor Spiritual place. I lived there for a year, but OMG, stop reproducing. Again, the same goes for almost every country in the world. That's our biggest problem: Over population...


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