サラ・ハドソンのインスタグラム(sarahhudsonxx) - 8月11日 04時51分

Tonight is the Leo-Aquarius SUPERMOON! "The Leo-Aquarius Full Moon is the swing and balance of staying true to yourself, and seeing your own dramatic role in the future-shaping of our times...this is a chance to rebel against deadening conformity, to break free — of ideas about reality, a habitual rhythm, deeply embedded conditioning. Epic ah-has happen at the Aquarius Full Moon, when we bust through our own (often self-imposed) glass ceiling and breathe the air. This Full Moon illuminates: supportive networks, flashes of genius, kindred spirits, human potential for evolution, innovative use of technology, relations with friends, quantum leaps in spiritual growth, sudden events or realizations that alter your life course…expressing your eccentricities, being true to yourself, act on behalf of human freedom.” Go outside tonight and say a prayer of gratitude to the universe and throw your manifestations to the moon!!!!!!!!?????????


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



