こんばんは。 PORTER STANDでは「旅」というコンセプトを元にlimArt/POSTがセレクトした写真集を販売しています。 本日はその中の一つ「Sarah Rhymes with Clara」をご紹介いたします。 北欧系の血を引く写真家、スーザン・ポールセンの写真は、北欧らしい凛とした空気感をまとい、どこか絵画的で美しい光景が続きます。 家族たちを被写体に、静かな視点で撮影した写真を収めた本書は、ある家族のひとときを写した家族アルバムのような印象です。 店頭にて現物をご用意しておりますので、カバンや雑貨と併せてご覧ください。 Good evening. We sell photo books selected by limART/POST under a concept of "TRIP" at PORTER STAND. Today we would like to introduce "Sarah Rhymes with Clara". Susan Paulsen, a photographer with to be descended from a Scandinavian family takes photos with commanding atmosphere of Scandinavia. The sceneries has pictorial beautifulness. As families as her object, the photos taken from a calm point of view looks as if it is a family album of the moments of one family. It is available to look at in store, so please take a look at it along with our bags and other goods as well. #porter#porterstand#yoshida#yoshidakaban#sarahrhymeswithclara#limartpost#instagood#instalike#ポーター#ポータースタンド#吉田カバン#吉田#写真集

porter_standさん(@porter_stand)が投稿した動画 -

PORTER STANDのインスタグラム(porter_stand) - 8月18日 20時58分

PORTER STANDでは「旅」というコンセプトを元にlimArt/POSTがセレクトした写真集を販売しています。
本日はその中の一つ「Sarah Rhymes with Clara」をご紹介いたします。

Good evening.
We sell photo books selected by limART/POST under a concept of "TRIP" at PORTER STAND.
Today we would like to introduce "Sarah Rhymes with Clara".
Susan Paulsen, a photographer with to be descended from a Scandinavian family takes photos with commanding atmosphere of Scandinavia. The sceneries has pictorial beautifulness.
As families as her object, the photos taken from a calm point of view looks as if it is a family album of the moments of one family. It is available to look at in store, so please take a look at it along with our bags and other goods as well.

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