WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 8月23日 23時51分

Congrats Websta friend @gijanice! Your photo is our 14th WEEKEND WEBSTAPICK chosen by our Guest Picker @citomegalovirus!
@citomegalovirus says: "I chose this beautiful shot from @gijanice because I love the way she makes us feel the solitude in this girl. The editing for the soft tones is perfect for this awesome shot. It tells a great story even without reading the caption; you can imagine it. The caption, which is a Julio Cortazar quote, is absolutely fantastic: "I think we all have a little bit of that beautiful madness that keeps us walking [moving forward] when everything around us is so insanely sane.""
On weekends, we give past Webstapick winners a chance to take on the role of Guest Pickers (or guest judges). This weekend’s Webstapick was chosen by our Guest Picker @citomegalovirus who's part of a couple of communities on Instagram. Know more about her at http://blog.websta.me! Enjoy your weekend everyone! ? Thanks @citomegalovirus and congrats @gijanice! ?


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