レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 9月1日 05時50分

Legs up the wall with @ringo_thegringo and Mason! Mid-brunch yoga with friends and mimosas and puppy cuddles. Viparita Karani err damn day. We are lucky to have Aruba's best chef @chef_joyce come over to cook for us all the time!☺️ Today we ate lettuce wrapped tacos, veggie frittata, gluten free banana pancakes, freshly baked bread, fruit salad and home made chocolate croissants. So good! What are you up to this Sunday?love.
#iwishtherewasaneggfreefrittata #noeggs #errdamnday #brunch #sunday #friends #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #love #dogs #cute


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
