WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 9月6日 22時05分

Congrats Websta friend @corinne.wyss! Your photo is our 15th WEEKEND WEBSTAPICK chosen by our Guest Picker @yungandrew!
@yungandrew, from Hong Kong, enjoys taking photos while hiking and finds beauty in photos that don't need much editing. "I think Corinne's photo shows the greatness of natural beauty in a simple and neat way."
On weekends, we give past Webstapick winners a chance to take on the role of Guest Pickers (or guest judges) and interview them to know them better. This weekend's Guest Picker says some of his favorite Instagramers include @rambler15 @hang_ho @lielaine and @mattglastonbury. Check out his tip and more at our blog! ? http://blog.websta.me

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