ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月8日 12時03分

@paulnicklen on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック with @Cristina Mittermeier, @sea_legacy and @aprilbencze off the coast of British Columbia. It is a remarkable experience to share the water with blue sharks. I found myself awed by their striking appearance and calm nature as they interacted with me in the water. One of the 14 shark species living in BC waters, blue sharks are frequently killed as unintended by-catch of fisheries. The resulting population decline has given them a near threatened status. With a large migratory range, the global reduction of by-catch of blue sharks is key for healthy marine ecosystems. #sharks #sharkconservation #canada @gopro


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Aria Alexanderのインスタグラム
Aria Alexanderさんがフォロー

