キーラ・コサリンのインスタグラム(kirakosarin) - 9月8日 12時39分

Yes I have dark circles under my eyes. Yes I have chipmunk cheeks and a nose that is perpetually red. But it feels so good to go out without makeup once in a while and just be comfortable looking like me. It gets so hard to remember that you can be happy with yourself without concealer or mascara. It's especially hard in an industry where you're constantly looked at through a camera lens. So I hope you'll all join me in this fight you be comfortable in our own skin. To accept and love our "flaws" and quirks, whether it's thick eyebrows (I feel you on that one) or freckles or acne or redness or dark circles or wrinkles or anything else. You're beautiful.
Pardon the extremely long unwarranted caption, but I spent today makeupless for the first time in a while and just wanted to share what was on my mind. 💗


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Fenty X Pumaのインスタグラム
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