Got tagged by @shelvi0320 and others so I am doing this #20factsaboutme and tagging my friends @elleyamada @jessyamada @rainbowholic @juliantanoto to do the challenge as well! 20 facts of me 1. I have 1 younger brother that's 6 years apart from me 2. I have started doing my hair blonde since I was 13 years old because of Ayumi Hamasaki 3. I used to like chocolate, but now I am sick of it and cant eat it anymore 4. I am cadel 5. I love Japan the most. But other countries that I really want to visit are Egypt, Prague, Italy and Turkey 6. My favorite food from Indonesia is Indomie Soto Mie 7. Totally indoor person. I love reading and sleeping the most, in contrary with my eye catching appearance 8. My favorite mangas are mind-games and thriller genre. Like 20th Century Boys, Billy Bat, Liar Game, Death Note, etc. Novel is Harry Potter 9. I am very tidy, neat, perfectionist and clean regarding my face and job. I always make folder and notes of the jobs perfectly, and I cannot let some dirt on my face. However it doesn't apply to my room lol 10. I cant eat spicy food, not even a little bit 11. My personality is outgoing but introvert. I am usually the mood maker and make friends easily, however I cant sosialize too long because it is exhausting. Nice combination huh? 12. I have trust issue with people because of many experiences in the past, resulting some people call me "arrogant" 13. I am tone deaf. Like, seriously.. 14. My favorite school subjects are history, art and languages 15. I never find anyone who has palm and feet smaller than me 16. I almost never cut my nails, I let it break naturally and it breaks into the round shape perfectly 17. I am short and people are often surprised when they see me in real life because I look tall on the pic 18. I am Chinese - Ujung Pandang. My grandfather is from China while my grandmother is from Makassar 19. Stella Lee is a facebook name at first because my real last name is difficult for most of people. My last name is Makassar's family name and I want to make it easy by just writing my chinese family name instead 20. I am a Christ believer :) And will always be

stellalee92さん(@stellalee92)が投稿した動画 -

Stella Leeのインスタグラム(stellalee92) - 9月14日 14時40分

Got tagged by @shelvi0320 and others so I am doing this #20factsaboutme and tagging my friends @エリッサ・ヤマダ @ジェシカ・ヤマダ @rainbowholic @juliantanoto to do the challenge as well!
20 facts of me
1. I have 1 younger brother that's 6 years apart from me
2. I have started doing my hair blonde since I was 13 years old because of Ayumi Hamasaki
3. I used to like chocolate, but now I am sick of it and cant eat it anymore
4. I am cadel
5. I love Japan the most. But other countries that I really want to visit are Egypt, Prague, Italy and Turkey
6. My favorite food from Indonesia is Indomie Soto Mie
7. Totally indoor person. I love reading and sleeping the most, in contrary with my eye catching appearance
8. My favorite mangas are mind-games and thriller genre. Like 20th Century Boys, Billy Bat, Liar Game, Death Note, etc. Novel is Harry Potter
9. I am very tidy, neat, perfectionist and clean regarding my face and job. I always make folder and notes of the jobs perfectly, and I cannot let some dirt on my face. However it doesn't apply to my room lol
10. I cant eat spicy food, not even a little bit
11. My personality is outgoing but introvert. I am usually the mood maker and make friends easily, however I cant sosialize too long because it is exhausting. Nice combination huh?
12. I have trust issue with people because of many experiences in the past, resulting some people call me "arrogant"
13. I am tone deaf. Like, seriously.. 14. My favorite school subjects are history, art and languages
15. I never find anyone who has palm and feet smaller than me
16. I almost never cut my nails, I let it break naturally and it breaks into the round shape perfectly
17. I am short and people are often surprised when they see me in real life because I look tall on the pic
18. I am Chinese - Ujung Pandang. My grandfather is from China while my grandmother is from Makassar
19. Stella Lee is a facebook name at first because my real last name is difficult for most of people. My last name is Makassar's family name and I want to make it easy by just writing my chinese family name instead
20. I am a Christ believer :) And will always be

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