I am so sick of bringing this subject up. I do once again because I simply can't stand the comments on here about Ringo's weight and I feel I have to say something or I'm going to explode. "FEED YOUR DOG YOU CRUEL FUCKING BITCH" is not something I feel ok seeing on my feed. I don't care what people write on here most of the time. You can call me ugly, fat, say I'm a hypocrite, point out details about my life that you don't agree with, say my skin is bad or my face looks wrinkly, I have cellulite, terrible taste in clothes, I'm stupid, dumb, a bimbo... Write me all of this. I don't care. And these are things people write all the time, mind you. Sometimes I even get classier comments like "you're a motherfucking whore" and even that does not bother me. Random people saying random shit feeling brave hiding behind a screen on the internet. Whatever. But I cannot shake this feeling right now. Write things about my baby and I feel VIOLATED. I want to yogi-kick you in the face. I get so angry. And then I get sad. Ringo is an Italian Greyhound. Google the breed. Their most prominent feature is their ribcage which is huge so no matter how much we feed him HIS RIBS ARE ALWAYS SHOWING. He eats breakfast and dinner every day like every other loved dog with treats and snacks and cheese snuck from my dinner plate in between. There is no need to call PETA. We love him more than fucking anything in the whole world. FROM NOW ON EVERY SINGLE PERSON COMMENTING NEGATIVITY ON HERE WILL BE BLOCKED FOREVER. Even you "well meaning folks" who like to drop by just to write a line about how "yoga girl is so great but she REALLY should do more charity work" screw you all from now on. If you don't fucking accept me the way I am ,100%, as is, you can get the hell off this account. I'm on a blocking spree so keep your hands in check if you want to stay in this community. And yes I know this is not very "yoga" of me. But guess what. It's very HUMAN of me to once in a blue moon lose my shit over people telling me how to live my life on the daily. I get sad, too. I feel, too. Most of you guys I fucking love so much I can't even explain but some of you people just made me cry. I'm tired.

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 9月20日 03時22分

I am so sick of bringing this subject up. I do once again because I simply can't stand the comments on here about Ringo's weight and I feel I have to say something or I'm going to explode. "FEED YOUR DOG YOU CRUEL FUCKING BITCH" is not something I feel ok seeing on my feed. I don't care what people write on here most of the time. You can call me ugly, fat, say I'm a hypocrite, point out details about my life that you don't agree with, say my skin is bad or my face looks wrinkly, I have cellulite, terrible taste in clothes, I'm stupid, dumb, a bimbo... Write me all of this. I don't care. And these are things people write all the time, mind you. Sometimes I even get classier comments like "you're a motherfucking whore" and even that does not bother me. Random people saying random shit feeling brave hiding behind a screen on the internet. Whatever. But I cannot shake this feeling right now. Write things about my baby and I feel VIOLATED. I want to yogi-kick you in the face. I get so angry. And then I get sad.

Ringo is an Italian Greyhound. Google the breed. Their most prominent feature is their ribcage which is huge so no matter how much we feed him HIS RIBS ARE ALWAYS SHOWING. He eats breakfast and dinner every day like every other loved dog with treats and snacks and cheese snuck from my dinner plate in between. There is no need to call PETA. We love him more than fucking anything in the whole world. FROM NOW ON EVERY SINGLE PERSON COMMENTING NEGATIVITY ON HERE WILL BE BLOCKED FOREVER. Even you "well meaning folks" who like to drop by just to write a line about how "yoga girl is so great but she REALLY should do more charity work" screw you all from now on. If you don't fucking accept me the way I am ,100%, as is, you can get the hell off this account. I'm on a blocking spree so keep your hands in check if you want to stay in this community.

And yes I know this is not very "yoga" of me. But guess what. It's very HUMAN of me to once in a blue moon lose my shit over people telling me how to live my life on the daily. I get sad, too. I feel, too. Most of you guys I fucking love so much I can't even explain but some of you people just made me cry.
I'm tired.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
