Stella Leeのインスタグラム(stellalee92) - 10月6日 16時08分

Finally finished my education on time, and never had to repeat a class at all in my whole life. Both of my parents attended my graduation ceremony and I am glad I made it this far! My mom is only high school graduate and my dad didnt finish his junior high school because he was leaving his hometown and started working, in Indonesian it is called "merantau" and quite common tens years ago. So technically I'm the first who graduated university from my family (T_T)
I wanted to stop studying many times because I wanted to work more and my schedule was so tight, but in the end at last I made it!! Some friends of mine want to pursue master and some are enjoying their free time at home. For me I am happy enough that I have a lot of jobS already that's enough to make me not sleep lol And even now I just finished the shipment of @starrylight_id ! Somehow I feel sorry that the degree wont be useful for working, because the field of job that I'm pursuing doesn't see the degree at all LOL But well, studying never hurts! I am FREEEEEEEE


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