レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 10月6日 23時56分

It's called a yoga practice because we're never finished. The more we advance physically the more we realize that we haven't advanced at all as long as it's only our bodies that are doing progress. The purpose of yoga is not to become more flexible, even though it is one of many perks. True expansion does not happen in the body but in the mind, in the heart, in the soul. You'll know that you have become an advanced yogi when you realize yoga has made you a kinder, more loving person. This is the true purpose of stepping on the mat: Advancing our ability to be compassionate.
Enjoy your newfound strength and flexibility but don't become too attached to your body and what poses it can move into on the mat. Focus on your heart. Feel. Be kind to yourself and take that kindness off the mat and bring it with you for the rest of the day.
This, my friends, is how we become the change we wish to see in the world.

#yoga #yogaeverydamnday #practice #love #move #smile #happy #inspiration


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