アリシア・キーズのインスタグラム(aliciakeys) - 10月15日 09時49分

It’s my son's birthday today which makes me feel even more in solidarity with the parents of the Chibok girls in Nigeria who were abducted 6 months ago today by Boko Haram. They are still missing!!! At the moment of this rally those parents were marching on the Presidential Palace in Abuja to call on Goodluck Jonathan to pay attention to what can be done to free those girls from a situation too horrible to imagine. It’s difficult and it won’t be easy but we have to keep the pressure on because these girls represent all the girls being kept from an education, they represent all girls who are looked upon as property and they represent rape and violence against women as a weapon of war all over the world! The @WeAreHereMovement is about direct action! Sign your name to join the movement and sign the petition to bring back our girls!! #BringBackOurGirlsNOW #weareheremovement Sign here: (link in bio)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





