スティーブ・クックのインスタグラム(stevecook) - 10月17日 08時48分

I know I'm about to start a huge fight but I couldn't help but notice amazing physiques while watching the CrossFit games. I know what most people say.. that these gentlemen represent the 1-2% of CrossFiters that look this way... BUT they also would represent the 1-2% of people in the gym that looks this way!
My point is that for far too long there is been this big fight between cross fit and bodybuilders and it just doesn't need to exist.
My plan is to do both on a very high level to show people they aren't opposites. I dare u to being an individual, to try new things, the things that you're not good at. That's what this life is all about getting better and weak areas
I plan to better my physique by using and incorporating cross fit into my bodybuilding and vice versa. I'm doing this because I want to challenge myself to be something that doesn't fit a stereotype! Maybe I am a dreamer but I want to be different. Do u?


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