ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 10月18日 01時27分

Goooood morning LADIES! I wanna touch on somethin that y'all can relate to. I want to know where you store fat and in the places you do, is it genetic? My mom stores in her legs mostly and I would say I do as well butttttt since I've had ky, it's my lower stomach. No matter how clean I eat, how hard I work out I will never have a "model flat" stomach. I've always had the lines and when I'm ripped (very rare) those lines show like WHOA but they can also stand out when I don't look my best. So here's my progress with eating clean (for me ?) 5 - 6 days a week for 3 weeks but due to travel not working out as much. Nothing really changed from last progression pic except for the way I feel inside. I feel healthier. Ok that's all. Please comment and let me know where your stubborn areas are ? bra/underwear from my fav Target and the dirty mirror is from me being lazy and not cleaning it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




