リード・モラノのインスタグラム(reedmorano) - 10月31日 03時57分

Some people seem to be confused as to why this is a petition at all when people can just turn the setting off. I guess i have to explain the obvious. It's a petition because most people hate the soap opera look and they don't know it's a setting they can change- and for those who do know it's a setting, it's a pain in the ass to dig through convoluted tv menus to try and find the setting to turn it off. I'm doing the petition because it's in my best interest. Visuals arewhat I make for a living and this setting makes them look totally different and very shitty, in fact. This petition is happening only now because I thought someone else would say or do something. Fact is, I've been sitting on this petition for two years now, like an asshole, and then I finally got some balls and put it up. I guess I just thought someone with actual power in Hollywood would say something and fix this. But the truth is, no one has put the importance on this topic that it deserves- it's actually changing the world's visual standards to complete shit. So I'm not just going to keep letting my work that I take pride in, look like shit. I'm tired of it. I don't want to live in a smooth motion world. You people can if you want. Click the link on my Instagram page if you wanna sign. #smoothmotion #smoothmotionpetition #motioninterpolation


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