レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 11月2日 10時53分

I wish I could call you right now. You would tell me everything is ok and that this, too, is a blessing. You would let me talk and talk without interrupting and listen to every detail and then you would remind me of something really silly that would make me smile. Like this one time in Ft Lauderdale when we went to Cirque de Soleil and you spilled your wine all over your lap in the middle of an acrobatic act and I had to get you a new glass because you couldn't stop laughing. And we went to the mall the next day and you didn't buy anything but you got your toes painted in ten different colors and we took 20 weird photos of your feet. In almost all of our pictures from that trip you're sticking your tongue out like this and I look at this now and I cry because I miss your stupid face and I will never ever get used to the idea of not seeing it again. I wish you were here to stroke my arm and remind me of all of my blessings because there are moments when I just forget

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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
