ベイリー・マディソンのインスタグラム(baileemadison) - 11月2日 10時55分

Hi Friends,

I wanted my second youtube video to be special and about something that meant so much to me... that "something" being FAMILY. One of the many parts of this business is leaving your family for an extended amount of time, sometimes not being with them for their birthdays or even holidays. I wasn't supposed to be home for Halloween this year but somehow, someway the schedule for production changed and I found out the night of the 30th that my mom and I could make it home. We quickly booked a flight and packed a bag with the biggest smiles on our faces.

I wanted you all to be a part of this exciting moment that really proves that it's the little things, like getting to hang up decorations with your family or getting your niece ready for Halloween, that make life so great..... I hope all of you had a beautiful Halloween & I hope that you enjoyed this video! Please Like/comment & subscribe for more videos!! Don't forget to tweet me at @ベイリー・マディソン too!

My quote for this YouTube video is: "FAMILY: where life begins and love never ends.." Until Next Time.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




