I.T IS INSPIRATIONのインスタグラム(ithk) - 11月17日 20時24分

ANN DEMEULEMEESTER Ice House Street shop is ready to welcome one of the most influential designers Ann Demeulemeester for her eponymous book launch and signing session tomorrow! She will be here to meet and greet her fans! Her celebrity supporter Chilam Cheung will join us in the event too! Don't miss out the chance to meet our two special guests! By invitation only.
Date: 18 Nov (Tuesday)
Time: 6-8 pm (signing session starts at 7pm)
Venue, 10 Ice House Street, Central

#anndemeulemeester #anndem #ithk #booklaunch #designer #book #autograph #meetandgreet #10icehousestreet #central @cheungjulian


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