マイクが遂にゴール!約1ヶ月半で108カ所の霊場を徒歩と野宿スタイルで歩ききった精神力は半端ない!?#yamatodamashii #pilgrimage #大和魂 #respect #Repost from @ensoninoue with @repostapp --- Congratulations Mike my brother, what you have gained on this epic journey you will take with you forever. Remember your journey not with just your mind but with your heart and soul too. Cherish the good times as well as the bad and never forget the angels you met for they crossed your path for a reason.... they were meant to be in your life. Sit back and reflect your journey and the stages, Awakening, Perseverance, Enlightenment, and Nirvana. From today when you come across an annoying person let your soul smile at them for after what you've been through it will take so much more to irritate you. They are 3 circles in your life that contain everything you have encountered in your lifetime. Circle A is the things that make you happy, circle B are the things that don't matter to you, and circle C are things that make you happy. Notice that many things on circle B had moved to circle A and many things from circle C has moved to circle B. Meaning the circle of happiness has gotten larger, the circle of irritation has gotten smaller, while circle B has remained the same size. Think about it Mike, have you ever been grateful to always have a roof to sleep under and a soft bed to sleep in,,, now you will. You no longer have to worry about where you will be sleeping nor worry whether it is going to rain or not. Go to the kitchen and make yourself a glass of ice water and remember the pilgrimage and the days you had no water let alone a ice cold glass. If some rude person cuts in line at the train station, who cares. You no longer have to walk alone carrying a heavy bag on you sore shoulders and feet. You will be riding the train sitting in air condition with a drink in your hand. Let him cut, wait another 5 minutes and smile and enjoy your train ride. Many things you took for granted will make you smile while many things that irritated you won't matter anymore. So you will be getting less irritated and will be smiling more often. Congratulation Mike you have done a awesome job! Rest good my brother you deserve it.

ruminasatoさん(@ruminasato)が投稿した動画 -

佐藤ルミナのインスタグラム(ruminasato) - 11月20日 21時35分

マイクが遂にゴール!約1ヶ月半で108カ所の霊場を徒歩と野宿スタイルで歩ききった精神力は半端ない!?#yamatodamashii #pilgrimage #大和魂 #respect #Repost from @ensoninoue with @repostapp --- Congratulations Mike my brother, what you have gained on this epic journey you will take with you forever. Remember your journey not with just your mind but with your heart and soul too. Cherish the good times as well as the bad and never forget the angels you met for they crossed your path for a reason.... they were meant to be in your life.
Sit back and reflect your journey and the stages, Awakening, Perseverance, Enlightenment, and Nirvana. From today when you come across an annoying person let your soul smile at them for after what you've been through it will take so much more to irritate you.
They are 3 circles in your life that contain everything you have encountered in your lifetime. Circle A is the things that make you happy, circle B are the things that don't matter to you, and circle C are things that make you happy. Notice that many things on circle B had moved to circle A and many things from circle C has moved to circle B. Meaning the circle of happiness has gotten larger, the circle of irritation has gotten smaller, while circle B has remained the same size.
Think about it Mike, have you ever been grateful to always have a roof to sleep under and a soft bed to sleep in,,, now you will. You no longer have to worry about where you will be sleeping nor worry whether it is going to rain or not. Go to the kitchen and make yourself a glass of ice water and remember the pilgrimage and the days you had no water let alone a ice cold glass.
If some rude person cuts in line at the train station, who cares. You no longer have to walk alone carrying a heavy bag on you sore shoulders and feet. You will be riding the train sitting in air condition with a drink in your hand. Let him cut, wait another 5 minutes and smile and enjoy your train ride.

Many things you took for granted will make you smile while many things that irritated you won't matter anymore. So you will be getting less irritated and will be smiling more often. Congratulation Mike you have done a awesome job!
Rest good my brother you deserve it.


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