マーガレット・チョーのインスタグラム(margaret_cho) - 11月25日 04時41分

BIG kick off event this Wednesday at the Lark Inn at 869 Ellis Street, between Van Ness and Polk! Starts at Noon. Buskers, celebrities and you if you’re there! Wednesday’s “Adopt-A-Day” is from @ロージー・オドネル! If you can’t be there, donate to Http://GoFundMe.com/BeRobin - Every little bit helps! Monies raised will be used for food, water and clothes for homeless on the streets RIGHT NOW, with any monies left over going directly to one or more great shelters in the San Francisco area. But YOU GUYS are the fuel that powers this. You will help make a difference, every day, out on the streets. I can’t do it without you. #IfYouHaveGive #IfYouNeedTake

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