ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月27日 23時49分

Stephanie Sinclair's (stephsinclairpix) photo from NG's Proof blog titled Photographers Give Thanks for the Photos That Changed Them: "A single conversation ten years ago changed the course of my life. Mejgon’s story wasn’t a happy one; she was married off at 11, and at 15 years old she was living in a shelter, home to several Afghan girls who’d escaped their marriages. When we met she said, 'In my whole life I have never felt love.' In the years that followed, I carried her devastating words in my heart and saw them echoed in the faces of child brides around the world as my personal photography project slowly turned into something much bigger—moving from a story in National Geographic to an international advocacy campaign and nonprofit called “Too Young to Wed.” Last week, the United Nations general assembly adopted a historic resolution to end child, early, and forced marriage. I am grateful for Mejgon’s friendship that day and the impact she has had on my life and my work. Her inspiration continues to help women and girls around the world." #tooyoungtowed #endchildmarriage #givingthanks #family


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Sarah Kohanのインスタグラム
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