ココ・ロシャのインスタグラム(cocorocha) - 12月22日 01時59分

This week’s installment of #SundayStories is devoted to hair stylist #OdileGilbert, who is a true legend in the fashion world. She's a favorite of designers like @カールラガーフェルド, @zac_posen, and @jpgaultierofficial - and we models love her as well!! When I first met Odile I was just a baby model starting out in the industry. From day one, when ever I walked in a room she would say (with her famously infectious raspy laugh and French accent) "Oh eets Co-co Ro-chazz!". For some reason she thought my name was Coco Rochas (with an S), and, I never corrected her. After about 7 years of her calling me "Coco Rochas" I decided the time had come to break it down and let her know that she had been pronouncing my last name all wrong. Well... doing so literally blew her mind. I remember the entire day she was running around Chanel telling everyone, "Did you know it's ROCHA not ROCHAS!?! Her name is Coco Rocha!?!". Odile has has been part of so many of my most memorable fashion moments and always makes every job a joy and a work of art.
She is new to Instagram so follow her at @OdileGilbert_Official!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




