New Project !!!! <In Bloom project #2 >“DAGAT&BULAKLAK” Date: 2015. 02.11(Wed)-14(Sat) Place: Hinoba-an Sea, Negros island, Philippines “In Bloom”, art project for which Azuma Makoto creates flower installations under the environments where nature does not allow them to exist otherwise. Following the first installment of the project “EXOBIOTANICA”, the botanical space flight, the setup for the next artwork is Hinoba-an Sea, Negros Island in Philippines. There, Azuma will create a huge sculpture of flowers in the middle of the ocean that stretches calmly around the Island. A 5-meters long botanical sculpture consisted of approximately 10,000 red Heliconia will be installed on a simple raft used by a local fisherman. With nothing to block the harsh sunlight, blown by salted water, the sculpture quietly floats in the cobalt blue ocean. The ocean accounts 70% of the surface of the earth, and therefore it creates magnificent stage for the project. A vivid contrast between expressions of the flowers that change every minute and the surrounding environment will be recorded as a documentary. 自然界では存在し得ないシチュエーションで花を活けるプロジェクト「In Bloom」。 宇宙(成層圏)へ植物を打ち上げた第一弾「EXOBIOTANICA」に続き、第二弾ではフィリピン・ネグロス島のヒノバアン沖合にて、穏やかに広がる海の真ん中に巨大な花の塊を活け込みます。 地元漁師の質素な筏に全長5メートル、約1万本の真っ赤なヘリコニアで構成されるボタニカルスカルプチャー。遮るもののない鋭い太陽光線を浴び、潮風に吹かれながら、コバルトブルーの海を静かに漂います。地表の約70%を占める海という壮大なスケールで、刻々と変化する花の表情、それを取り巻く環境とのコントラストをドキュメンタリーとして記録します。#azumamakoto #shiinokishunsuke #amkk #inbloomproject #東信 #東信、花樹研究所

azumamakotoさん(@azumamakoto)が投稿した動画 -

東信のインスタグラム(azumamakoto) - 12月24日 11時11分

New Project !!!! #2 >“DAGAT&BULAKLAK”

Date: 2015. 02.11(Wed)-14(Sat)
Place: Hinoba-an Sea, Negros island, Philippines “In Bloom”, art project for which Azuma Makoto creates flower installations under the environments where nature does not allow them to exist otherwise. Following the first installment of the project “EXOBIOTANICA”, the botanical space flight, the setup for the next artwork is Hinoba-an Sea, Negros Island in Philippines. There, Azuma will create a huge sculpture of flowers in the middle of the ocean that stretches calmly around the Island.
A 5-meters long botanical sculpture consisted of approximately 10,000 red Heliconia will be installed on a simple raft used by a local fisherman. With nothing to block the harsh sunlight, blown by salted water, the sculpture quietly floats in the cobalt blue ocean. The ocean accounts 70% of the surface of the earth, and therefore it creates magnificent stage for the project. A vivid contrast between expressions of the flowers that change every minute and the surrounding environment will be recorded as a documentary.
自然界では存在し得ないシチュエーションで花を活けるプロジェクト「In Bloom」。
地元漁師の質素な筏に全長5メートル、約1万本の真っ赤なヘリコニアで構成されるボタニカルスカルプチャー。遮るもののない鋭い太陽光線を浴び、潮風に吹かれながら、コバルトブルーの海を静かに漂います。地表の約70%を占める海という壮大なスケールで、刻々と変化する花の表情、それを取り巻く環境とのコントラストをドキュメンタリーとして記録します。#azumamakoto #shiinokishunsuke #amkk #inbloomproject #東信 #東信、花樹研究所


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




