テリーサ・パーマーのインスタグラム(teresapalmer) - 12月31日 23時09分

From our hearts to yours, may all who are reading this have a year of positive change, of willingness to look deeper within yourself, to find truth, courage, to speak authentically, to strengthen and heal relations, to find a more peaceful and contented you, to be more conscious, more aware of the words you speak and the actions you take, may you meet people with compassion, open arms and understanding. Cultivate self love, learn new things, forgive and start to heal, hold your head up high and say I MATTER and I AM ENOUGH, don't be a wallflower and shine love, BE love! Have an adventurous, soulful, life changing 2015- dare, seek, accept and LOVE with open hearts. ✌️✌️#bethechange #2015 @likemark


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