ダニエル・デイ・キムのインスタグラム(danieldaekim) - 1月1日 02時26分

Goodbye #NYC and goodbye 2014. As I reflect on the past year I am once again reminded of how #fortunate I've been. To all of you who helped make it so special, thank you, thank you, #ThankYou. And as I think of the year ahead, I can't help but be filled with excitement for the challenges and opportunities that await. More about those in the days to come, but in the meantime, let me take this opportunity to say #HappyNewYear!. May the Year of the #Ram bring you lots of laughter, love and success, however you may define it. Here's to #family #friends, fans of #H50 #Insurgent #SaintsRow #Lost #2015 and YOU. #Cheers!


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