トーヴ・ローのインスタグラム(tovelo) - 1月12日 23時21分

TADAA!! (Link to the full video in my bio). After days of LONG takes, f*ck ups, make outs, fireworks and cigarettes - the #TalkingBodyVideo is made! So proud of this sexy, tacky, dirty Dogville-inspired piece done together with my partners in crime Motellet Film and IAmProduction. These guys know how to bring out the best in me even when I'm close to punching them in the face :) The whole team ruled!!! Extra cred to Filip Rosén aka "Jack The Body" who played it like a pro. All my love to Sarah Grundén and Natalie Olenheim for making me look fab and all you peeps that came and danced with me for hours without pee breaks! Woooh! Remember babes - the perfect body is whatever body turns you on. Enjoy!! X / Miss Lo


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