ワシントン・レッドスキンズのインスタグラム(commanders) - 1月21日 02時04分

#Repost from @ロバート・グリフィン3世 ・・・
Blessed & happy to be able to give back through the establishment of familyof3.org
Check it out, join the family & spread the word #ThisIsForUs
The Family of 3 is an initiative that truly comes from my heart, and with the help of our members I’m excited about the difference we can make in people’s lives. With this foundation, I want people to understand that their dreams aren’t out of reach, and that anything is possible. As a collective Family, we will strive to create meaningful networks for people in our everyday lives by providing them with access to the tools and resources necessary to reach their fullest potential. Most importantly, we want to provide hope, support and opportunity to all and be that extra push people need in order to realize and catch their dreams.
Our Mission

Our objective is to continuously grow our Family with people who share our passion for helping others. In doing so, we can reach more lives collectively than we ever could as individuals. Together we strive to give people a reason to believe they can accomplish anything, and that their dreams aren’t out of reach.

Our Values

We believe we are all members of a larger Family under God, and that it is our responsibility to help others who are facing challenges that they are unable to conquer on their own.

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