キャセイパシフィック航空のインスタグラム(cathaypacific) - 1月29日 19時42分

Natalie – CX890 to New York: I just received my work visa for the US, which means so much to me as I work as a nail artist in film and fashion in New York. I also fell in love there and now we get to be together. I can’t tell you how happy I am! This is the start of a new chapter and I’m ready to really push myself in 2015. I’m also kind of sad because I’m leaving behind Australia and my family who I’m very close to. But this is what travel is all about - the highs and the lows. It’s kind of surreal, to be honest. Life is funny.
##cathaypacific #atthegate #lifewelltravelled


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



