カイ・グリーンのインスタグラム(kaigreene) - 2月1日 01時16分

I want to make it "Clearly Known".. It is your breathe that has brought life into this project.. I so humbly "Thank, each and everyone of you. Yes, YOU.. who have made the impossible.."possible"
Tomorrow we air our final last two #KaiGreene Segments on #ESPN during the #SuperBowl Show between the times of 10am-2pm.
As the old saying goes.. and maybe at a certain time of your life it has no reference but today.. TODAY.. it is loudly coming across in my mind and I share with you.. This saying... "My friend, it only takes the effort of "ONE" man/woman to change the world"
I #BELIEVE you who is reading this at this very moment.. Can shape the world we live in... #OnlyYouCanBreatheLifeIntoYourDreams
#TheEternalMindset @espn #NFL #PostSeason #Countdown

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