I.T IS INSPIRATIONのインスタグラム(ithk) - 2月4日 19時55分

To celebrate izzue’s 15th anniversary, izzue has invited the world famous Spanish photographer and artist Ernesto Artillo to Hong Kong. Artillo will be visiting I.T HYSAN ONE to share his source of inspiration and inaugurate izzue CAMPAIGN ARCHIVES EXHIBITION. Another guest, SK Lam, Creative Director of All Rights Reserved is invited as well to conduct an interesting yet inspiring artist talk. Art pieces will be presented from 12th February till 2nd March 2015. Don’t miss it!
R.S.V.P: izzue_rsvp@ithk.com

@izzuehk #izzuehk #izzue #ithk #fashion #style #artisttalk #archive #exhibition @ernestoartillo #ernestoartillo #artist #guest #allrightsreserved @sklamallrightsreserved #liveitreal

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