ロストのインスタグラム(lost9193) - 2月21日 03時14分

Catch an advanced screening of Mason Ho's "January Mix" tonight in L.A. @ridershack during our "Shapers Night" event. Mr. Ho will be on the big screen and @mayhemb3_mattbiolos will be taking one-on-one custom board orders and designing your next board in CAD. Every ...Lost board sold (stock or custom) gets $100 off + a free pair of boardshorts. Also a live performance from @tunnelvisionsc and a glassing demo from @etechboards. Food, drinks and more free ...lost stuff. Next screening and party @etsurf on Saturday night. Addresses + more info at www.lostenterprises.com. ?@riordanpringle @cocom4debarrelkilla @burgerinparadise @lostsurfboards #lostsurfboards #lostenterprises #lostclothing #shapersnight #masonho


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