ベン・ボーラーのインスタグラム(benballer) - 2月21日 07時45分

Got the wake up call of life last night. Any of you who have seen me in the last week know I've been feeling like shit. And I've had constant headaches and didn't take care of it properly. I thought a massage and chiropractor would solve it. Wrong. Not even pain pills helped. The doctor said had I not checked in last night, I might not have made it. That hustle 26 hours a day, 9 days a week mentality almost put my ass in a coma. Feeling a little better now but lost a lot of blood and still need to have surgery. Wish me luck. Health is real wealth. I should be ok in a few days. It's time out for now. Love and thanks to my friends who been checking in.


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