ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月21日 21時07分

Photo by @edkashi/@viiphoto: #Sugarcane fields near Melmoth in #SouthAfrica are cut down and burned off after the harvest in 1998. “South Africa is a major emitter of #greenhousegases…The emission rate is at almost ten tonnes of CO2 per person per year – 43% more than the global average. As a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, South Africa has made a voluntary commitment to combat climate change. It aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 34% by 2020 and 42% by 2025.” The Climate Change Response Strategy and the 2010 Green Paper identify sugarcane burning as one of the areas where South Africa can reduce GHG to meet its obligation to UNFCCC. http://giz.de/en/worldwide/17807.html #climatechange #positivechange @everydayclimatechange EverydayClimateChange is pleased to support@DECCgovUK's #BackClimateAction #photography #competition, with #EverydayClimateChange photographer @JshPhotog, in UK, being asked to be on the competition's judging panel. 
The @DECCgovUK competition: What does Climate Change mean to you? Show us in a picture and share on Instagram or Twitter from 20 Feb – 6 March. Please include hashtag #BackClimateAction. The winner will win a photography workshop & a boat trip to photograph an offshore wind farm! Winner will be announced w/c 16 March. Terms & conditions at bit.ly/BCAPic


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