ウィニー・ハーロウのインスタグラム(winnieharlow) - 2月26日 01時42分

I'm so grateful for the time God gave me with you on this earth. Our bond was immediate. Two strong Leo's born on the same day?? we walked around with arms linked, cracking jokes every time we got. Our bond was broken on the show but thank God for our strong personalities because we built it back this cold ass winter. Thank you for being honest with me. Thank you for confiding in me. Thank you for messaging me out out the blue just to say "Hey Beautiful" or "Hey my Leo Sista". I'm so mad at myself for missing you in NY... We tried so hard ?. Reality TV can tear a persons personality to pieces but I know the amazing young woman you were. You were Strong way beyond your years and I admire that! A feisty ball of Leo fire that wouldn't let anyone take her for a fool. Intelligent, with a hint of crazy.. You were the only person I kept in strong touch with from our cast mates. A beautiful soul now watching over us. I'm sorry if I'm rambling baby girl but I'm just so stunned... I love you sister??? never take your crown off. @Mirjanapuhar ??? Rest In Paradise Queen


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