ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 3月3日 06時20分

7/24 moma music related collection: moma's founder alfred barr, in his 1929 plan, outlined the museum in a radical plan that "proposed an active and serious concern with the practical, commercial, and popular arts as well as with the so called 'fine' arts." music has been a part of the collection activity of moma for decades. my colleague juliet kinchin has curated "making music modern: design for ear and eye," from the vast MoMA collection in this field. here is an image titled cage music, c. 1965 by joe jones. her exhibition is just across from @bjork. for me, it is the third MoMA exhibition in the area of music - first with antony and the johnsons , then with kraftwerk in the moma atrium, and now bjork. #MoMABjork. if you would like to see more on my personal account follow me @klausbiesenbach


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