デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 3月5日 09時46分

I'm proud to announce my participation in the new #CalvinKleinSelfie campaign to raise awareness.
I wear my #CKS under layers all the time. When I'm jogging the Great Lakes, visiting a denim doctors office, out on a date with an ex talking about what could have been, bazar shopping in Nepal, collecting dragons eggs, doing retail psychotherapy, attending a lecture about how the Titanic never actually sank and it's still at sea and that's where DiCaprio lives with his buddies, standing motionless in a field of wheat or cheese climbing with renegades.. I wear them and love how they make me and my man parts feel biblical, honorable and futuristically relevant.
Thank you Calvin Klein for this special campaign and I know we are raising awareness!
Please tag me here and post your own #CKS pic or DM and I will post some here in a collage later if I feel like it.


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