アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 3月13日 06時02分

Mammalogist Nancy Simmons has many stories about bats—she’s been studying these nocturnal fliers for decades. "I’m very fond of larger, carnivorous species like the spectral bat which hunts birds and mice, and also of very small bats, like the bumblebee bat which weighs in at just a couple of grams and is no bigger than the tip of your thumb—it’s amazing that a bat can be that tiny!"
Dr. Simmons shares bat stories in her new book, Bats: A World of Science and Mystery, and at a free event at the Museum on Saturday, March 14, with her co-author and fellow bat researcher Brock Fenton. Head to amnh.org to learn more.
Pictured here is a Jamaican Fruit Bat, which will eat many kinds of fruit, but is especially partial to figs.
© University of Chicago Press


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