デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 3月18日 02時27分

I don't accept any phony bullshit.
I don't allow people to hurt my friends or family without being called out and held to the fire.
I don't think anything is out of reach but the things that appear to be are worth striving for.
I don't let people down.
I don't accept an "I'm sorry" right away.
I don't let people I care about get walked on.
I don't tell people how to live their lives and I don't push how I live mine on others.
I don't want to see people fail unless they're an asshole and at that point I hope you fail at what you love.
I don't look back.
I don't care about age. I'm interested in depth.
I don't waste time on people that are selfish and self centered.
I don't let go of potential.
I don't care what people say or don't say about me. I live up to my own expectations.
#IDont #WhatIsYourIDontList


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