Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 3月22日 09時38分

Part 2: Maneesha is gorgeous. She walks funny. We think that when she was declawed by those bastards at the circus that they did it terribly, but before sedating her to check her paws, we'll try a Calcium complex for a week. Anesthesia in Felines should always be the last option...
Parte 2: #maneesha esta caminando raro. Le quitaron sus garritas los mal paridos del circo y sospechamos lo hicieron mal. Le vamos a dar un complejo de minerales para ver si mejora, si no, habrá que anestesiarla y arregrarle sus patitas...
#devageet #saveleopards #saveourplanet #boycottcircus #behuman


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Black Jaguar-White Tiger を見た方におすすめの有名人