福間洸太朗のインスタグラム(kotarofsky) - 3月22日 10時25分

At masterclasses in Paraná 3 days ago. The lady in the middle is an old friend of Martha Argerich & the regular teacher of these students, Señora Graciela Reca.
Out of 7 students, five were boys. Despite of my "español muy limitado" they were all motivated to learn and respond to my suggestions and requests. It seems they liked my secret exercises to practice the technically demanding passages :D

Me encantó conoceros y compartir estos momentos preciosos con vosotros, muchas gracias chicos y chicas!

それにしても、オイラは先生としての風格が全くないなw サンダルにTシャツでいそいそと教えに出かけたのがいけないんだけどね σ^_^;


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



